Cetraben is now available to prescribe on the NHS Framework Agreement

The Cetraben range is now available to prescribe in secondary care settings across the UK via the NHS Framework Agreement.

Offering Complete Emollient Therapy, from a light lotion to a moisture rich ointment, the Cetraben range is suitable for all ages and stages of dry skin* and is the first eczema-prone skin care range to be approved by the British Skin Foundation.

With high patient preference scores across the range2-5, Cetraben can help your patients manage their dry skin conditions, from eczema to psoriasis.

Ordering is available via AAH, Alliance, Mawdsleys and Phoenix.

Cetraben Cream

The #1 prescribed emollient cream in the UK6

Find out more

Prescribing information

Size NPC code PIP code
500g DMK018 283-1006
150g DMB176 327-0543
50g DOX018 286-1615

Cetraben Ointment

A 3-in-1 emollient, skin cleanser, and bath additive

Find out more

Prescribing information

Size NPC code PIP code
450g DNB021 393-5871
125g DNB020 393-5889

Cetraben Lotion

A lighter option for patients for use between flare-ups that is ideal for use on the face and hands throughout the day

Find out more

Prescribing information

Size NPC code PIP code
500ml DNB023 378-5417
200ml DNB022 378-4964

Cetraben Emollient Bath Additive

A clinically effective formulation suitable for all ages

Find out more

Prescribing information

Size NPC code PIP code
500ml DNB018 296-3734

A PDF version of this page is available


*Cetraben is suitable for adults, the elderly and children over 1 year. Children under 1 year should be treated under medical supervision.

  1. NHS Framework Agreement for Proprietary Branded Medicines – National. 01/05/19 – 30/04/21. (CM/PHR/16/5518/01)
  2. Data on file. Cetraben® Lotion preference study September 2013
  3. Cetraben® Psoriasis Association survey report January 2018
  4. Data on file. Cetraben® Ointment preference test August 2014
  5. Data on file. Cetraben® Bath Additive patient preference study September 2013
  6. HSCIC Volume Data. GP Prescribing Presentation-level Data. Volume of Sales October 2019

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